Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
The Builders: The Chazon Ish Part 2 - Creating the Chareidi World
In part two of this episode, Gedalia and Rav Ephraim speak further about the Chazon Ish, and what he accomplished for the Chareidi world in the last two decades of his life.
They discussed the fervor of the athiest Zionist movement was in those days, and how the Chazon Ish opposed Zionism and formulated a way forward for frum Jews. Was the Chazon ish the machmir on shmitta that people thought he was? What prompted R’ Chatzkel Levenshtein to say that the Chazon Ish had a once-in-a-generation siyata dishmaya to give psak? What was the Chazon Ish’s method of protesting the government? And find out which flaw the Chazon Ish said a young R’ Gershon Edelstein had.
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